John Clemens, 51, has only been able to do day labor work since suffering a stroke several years ago. – Photo by Michael Olinger
Since April of last year, the Galletti branch of the state office has found work for 3,731 people out of the 7,524 who have registered with them, a placement rate of 49.5%.

Zeke Luna was released from prison two years ago. He has been a fixture at the Day Labor Office since. – Photo by Michael Olinger
Waiting for work at the day labor office has its advantages. As the rain falls in the 40 degree air outside, laborers across the street, on the Reno side of Galletti, who offer their services independent of the day labor office, must battle the elements. Meanwhile, Luna and others can have their cup of coffee and watch television. That’s not to say they’ve never crossed the street.

Workers can charge their cell phones and have a cup of coffee while waiting for work. – Photo by Michael Olinger

John Clemens watches The Today Show while waiting for a job at the Day Labor office on Galletti Way in Sparks. – Photo by Michael Olinger
“I ran across one [a day laborer] that had a business building cabins in Oregon before he
came here. He built a deck for me, and a couple of years later I ran across him and he had married, created his own business down here, had a little baby, and was well on his way. It was just – he needed some help when he first got down here,” said Whitaker. “I’m a Christian and that’s one of the things I read in the Bible, that one of the things I’m supposed to do is help people, and I think that’s one of my roles in life.”

A sign adorning the exit to the Day Labor Office informs employers of their rights and liabilities. – Photo by Michael Olinger.
As Clemens waits for his name or number to be called, an announcement goes out over the loud speaker calling someone to the office. It is not Clemens. He turns his attention back to the television at the front of the room. Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton are attacking each other on the Today Show. Someone sitting by the TV loudly says “When are those two just going to get married, already?” A laugh ripples through the room.
when are you going to start hireing people again. i’m thinking of going that way in spring. i worked there one yesr a go, and want to work with you again. I like working there.