Throughout the Fall of 2019, Noticiero Movil interviewed subjects from all over Nevada. The goal was to find people who would share a little bit about themselves and how they’ve established themselves in Nevada.
Since August, Noticiero Movil has gathered interviews, videos and photos all representing our subjects and places that we have covered. This project is the story of Nevada, told by Nevadans. These voices are the people who have planted their roots here and have shaped this state into the beauty it is. Nevada is one of the last states that truly embodies a western way of life, and the heritage and culture here needs to be passed on to future generations. Go ahead and place yourselves in the most historic, notable places in the Silver State. Plug in and listen to fellow Nevadans tell their story of belonging.
Use this interactive map to navigate though different cities, towns and places throughout Nevada to listen and read along to our Golden Stories!

Jim Ward tends the ice cream bar at his candy store in Virginia City on October 9, 2019.
Leah Wigren/RSJ

Morgan Peterson, A girl who fell in love with Nevada Sept. 24th 2019 Lake Tahoe. Alexandra McVey/RSJ

Becca Glover poses with her coffee at the Reno Media Group Office. With it being her first job here in Reno, Nevada, Glover has enjoyed being Director of Events and Promotions.
Karlie Drew/ RSJ

Stephanie Foster, of Virginia City, stands in the Bucket of Blood- the place where she works and describes it as the best job she’s ever had.
Karlie Drew/RSJ

Reverend James Matthew, a spooky wedding minister and 6th sensed bartender posing on Oct. 9th 2019
at the Silver Queen hotel in Virginia City, Nev. Alexandra McVey/RSJ

As Director of Campus and Public Relations, Kristen Deguzman takes pride in campus life. Deguzman stands outside the Ansari Business Building at the University of Nevada, Reno.
Karlie Drew/RSJ

Keith Mann sits in his Reno backyard enjoying a beer on a Sunday afternoon in September.
September 25, 2019
Leah Wigren/RSJ

Pascal Baboulin poses in his store in Virginia City on March, 5th, 2019. Baboulin is from the French Alps carrying his family legacy of hatmakers, being the 4th generation in the family.
Lebrun Damiens/RSJ

Reesham Mohammed is a graduate student at the University of Nevada, Reno. Mohammed is originally from Egypt, and her topic of research is regarding rights for women globally after witnessing the injustices women face in her country. She is the first person in her family to go to college. Maclyn Crnkovich/RSJ

Ethan Clift stands in front of a graphic at the University of Nevada, Reno Innovation Center in Reno, Nev. on Sep. 18, 2019. Clift has been living in the Reno midtown area and possesses a strong vision for the future of Reno.
Henry Travland/RSJ

Sam Hunter poses in the bar back at the Bucket of Blood saloon in Virginia City, Nev. on Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2019. The Virginia City native lives in Reno now, but he makes the commute five days a week due to his passion and love for the community up on the hill.
Henry Travland/RSJ