Gov. Steve Sisolak on Friday bluntly criticized the “double standard” he said exists for protesters based on the color of their skin, while promising to take further action to address systemic racism. His comments came during a news conference on Friday in Las Vegas alongside several elected black leaders, including Attorney General Aaron Ford, Assembly Speaker Jason Frierson and… [Read More]
Governor Sisolak imposes phases for limited reopening of businesses starting May 15
Gov. Steve Sisolak has signed a directive easing some coronavirus-related restrictions starting May 1, including allowing golf, drive-in worship services and curbside pickup at marijuana dispensaries and other retailers. But many other elements of the strict “Stay at Home” order will be extended until May 15 to include the closures of nonessential businesses such as hair salons,… [Read More]
State task force to focus on COVID-19 impact on Latinos
A task force formed by the Nevada Hispanic Legislative Caucus is recommending that Gov. Steve Sisolak create a health plan for undocumented Nevadans, drive-thru testing for COVID-19 and providing more information — including about where to find food— in Spanish. The group formed last week includes legal, political and medical experts focused on addressing the effects of coronavirus… [Read More]
Nevada is essentially closed because of coronavirus, orders Gov. Sisolak
Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak ordered all non-essential businesses in the state to close by noon Wednesday, March 18. In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, all retail establishments, bars, dine-in restaurants, hotels and beauty services are barred from opening for the next thirty days. The order also includes the state’s gaming industry, with all… [Read More]
Clustered due to coronavirus? Here’s a guide to what’s open, closed and free in Reno
Eerie, bizarre, crazy, surreal are all adjectives we keep hearing to describe the never-before actions that our local, state and federal government are taking because of the coronavirus, that is, the COVID-19 pandemic. The latest? As of Mar. 17, the Silver State reported its first death due to coronavirus. The victim was a “male Clark… [Read More]
Friday deadline for superintendent of Washoe County School District
Aspirants for the top role of superintendent of Washoe County School District (WSCD) have until this Friday to apply. The School Board began its search last June 2019 after it terminated then Superintendent Traci Davis. She was accused of allegedly releasing confidential information related to a harassment-related lawsuit that took place at work. The board… [Read More]
2020 Election: Spanish-language guide to the presidential candidates
Reno has suddenly become a priority for the eight remaining U.S. presidential candidates as Saturday, Feb. 22 — the date of the Nevada Caucus — quickly approaches. If you haven’t made up your mind and want to easily compare the various policies of the democratic hopefuls, check out these voter guides, in English and Spanish,… [Read More]
Vaccinate your cat or dog for free thanks to Animal Services, get free pet food too
If you have a new litter of puppies or an intrigue of kittens, the Washoe County Regional Animal Services (WCRAS) wants to remind you that once a month it offers low-cost vaccinations. But if you are a senior citizen over the age of 60 WCRAS will vaccinate your dog or cat for free. Just bring… [Read More]
The novel ‘American Dirt’ sparks the ire of Latinos
Harsh criticism from the Latinx community has befallen the recently published novel “American Dirt” for its controversial portrayal of the immigrant experience. Los Angeles Times writer Esmeralda Bermudez called author Jeanine Cummins’ fourth book a “cheap-thrill narconovela.” It follow the story of a middle-class mother with “a small fortune,” who leaves Mexico because her journalist… [Read More]
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